im using Javascript to show info generated in Java. Im talking of 10,000 datas, all of them generated in Java and for porpouse of testing im using random values. Well i want to see this 10,000 values in my javascript page.
I already have a simple Server Java and a Client Javascript to share 2 doubles.
This is the Thrift file for 2 doubles:
namespace java test_thrift
service test{
double number(1:double n1, 2:double n2)
This is the code of my Javascript Client
function calc() {
var transport = new Thrift.Transport("/service");
var protocol = new Thrift.Protocol(transport);
var client = new testClient(protocol);
var workbench = Math.random()*1000;
try {
result = client.number(workbench);
$('#result').css('color', 'black');
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = result;
} catch(ouch){
$('#result').css('color', 'red');
Im sending a Random only to get the range of the return. Example: 1 return a value from 3 to 9, 2 return a 9 to 15 value, etc.
And in java i have a testHandler class:
public double number(double n1, double n2) throws TException {
//System.out.println(n1 + " - " + n2);
Random rnd = new Random();
n1 = rnd.nextDouble() * 10 + 1;
n2 = rnd.nextDouble() * 15 + 10;
return n2;
Well this returns 1 value. And i want to see all in my Javascript Page. But with 10,000 elements. How can i do this?
Also i want to add that the final struct to share is like this:
Im stuck
Found this, but i dont know how to get it work :/
namespace java test_thrift
typedef list<double> Vector
struct test
1:i32 rows,
2:i32 cols,
3:list<Vector> data,
So, i managed to fix it. Here's a Client JavasCript that make a reequest and a Java server Give back a 10000 x 18 Matrix.
Thrift file:
namespace java test_thrift
struct Cell {
1: string did
2: double l_x
3: double l_y
4: double l_z
5: double m_x
6: double m_y
7: double m_z
8: double a_x
9: double a_y
10: double a_z
11: double g_x
12: double g_y
13: double g_z
14: string d_t
15: double tp
16: double r_q
17: string o_m
18: double b_v
service test{
list<Cell> number( 1 : i16 req)
Then in Javascript i send only the request:
function calc() {
var transport = new Thrift.Transport("/service");
var protocol = new Thrift.Protocol(transport);
var client = new pruebaClient(protocol);
var workbench = Math.random()*1000;
var div = document.getElementById('deltat');
try {
result = client.number(1);
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + '\nReady';
} catch(ouch){
$('#result').css('color', 'red');
And in result y have the [10000][18] answer and print it like this:
for (var i = result.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + '\n' + result[i];
div.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '\n'+result[i].did+' '+result[i].l_x+' '+result[i].l_y+' '+result[i].l_z+' '+result[i].m_x+' '+result[i].m_y+' '+result[i].m_z+' '+result[i].a_x+' '+result[i].a_y+' '+result[i].a_z+' '+result[i].g_x+' '+result[i].g_y+' '+result[i].g_z+' '+result[i].d_t+' '+result[i].tp+' '+result[i].r_q+' '+result[i].o_m+' '+result[i].b_v);
Finally the handler in my Java Server is like this:
public class TestHandler implements test.Iface {
public Random rnd = new Random();
public static List<Cell> p = new ArrayList<Cell>();
public void test() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
Cell a = new Cell();
a.did = "SomeString";
a.l_x = rnd.nextDouble()*10+1;
a.l_y = rnd.nextDouble()*10+1;
a.l_z = 0.0;
a.m_x = 0.0;
a.m_y = 0.0;
a.m_z = 0.0;
a.a_x = 0.0;
a.a_y = 0.0;
a.a_z = 0.0;
a.g_x = 0.0;
a.g_y = 0.0;
a.g_z = 0.0;
a.d_t = "String here"; = 0.0;
a.r_q = 0.0;
a.o_m = "A";
a.b_v = 0.0;
public List<Cell> number(short req) throws TException {
return ips.ReminderBeep.list_d;
I hope this will be useful for someone