I'm trying to get all hostgroups/hosts through the zabbix API. I have used the following json requests:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "hostgroup.get",
"params": {
"output": "extend"
"auth": "6f38cddc44cfbb6c1bd186f9a220b5a0",
"id": 1
The one for hosts differs only in "host.get" instead of "hostgroup.get". But unfortunately some information is hidden. The frontend shows everything correct. But the API output is missing some hostgroupts/hosts.
It's bizarre because one of my self created hostgroups is displayed, the other one is not. Same happens with the hosts that are currently inside this hostgroup. As you can see I don't use any filter option.
Does somebody have a clue?
Thanks in advance!
If your user is not a Zabbix "superadmin", it must have permissions on those host groups. Otherwise you would not be able to retrieve groups or their members.