I have few questions regarding ejb pool size in websphere.
My question is, is it for all the ejbs together or is it per ejb? What i understood is, it is per ejb. Am I right?
A1. You are correct, a pool exists per EJB and the default for each pool will be minimum 50 / maximum 500. The link you provided does show how to use the com.ibm.websphere.ejbcontainer.poolSize property to change the pool size for individual EJBs or change the default that applies to all types. In all cases, there is a pool per EJB.
A2. The EJB pool size may be monitored using the Tivoli Performance Viewer. The EJB counters available are documented here:
And the specific ones relevant to the EJB pool are : RetrieveFromPoolCount, RetrieveFromPoolSuccessCount, ReturnsToPoolCount, ReturnsDiscardCount, DrainsFromPoolCount, DrainSize, PooledCount