I'm trying develop a Firefox add-on. I would like to count the cookies that are marked as HTTP only. When manually checking, I have seen that many websites have more than one HTTP only cookie. But, my result is always 0
or 1
. Where is my fault?
Here is my code:
var {Cc, Ci, Cu} = require("chrome");
var cookieManager = Cc["@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1"].getService(Ci.nsICookieManager2);
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
tabs.on('load', function(tab) {
var URL = tab.url;
var url = require("sdk/url").URL(URL);
var host = url.host;
function getCookies(host){
var cookies = cookieManager.getCookiesFromHost(host);
var count = 0;
while (cookies.hasMoreElements()){
var cookie = cookies.getNext().QueryInterface(Ci.nsICookie2);
//var count = 0;
var httpCookie = cookie.isHttpOnly;
return count=count+1 ;
return 0;
console.log("Cookie host: " + cookie.host + "; Cookie Name :" + cookie.name
+ " = Cookie value:" + cookie.value + "\n");
dump("\tCookie host: " + cookie.host + " Is Domain cookie: " +cookie.isDomain
+ "; Cookie Name :" + cookie.name +" = Cookie value:" + cookie.value
+ "; Is Session Cookie :" + cookie.isSession
+ "; Expiry time :" + cookie.expiry
+ "; It is an Http only cookie :" + cookie.isHttpOnly + "\n");
return count;
var getResult = getCookies(host);
console.log("Http Cookies: " + getResult);
Within your function getCookies(host)
you have a while
loop that is intended to loop through all cookies for the specified host
. However, the inner portion of that loop is only executed once.
Within that loop you have an if
var httpCookie = cookie.isHttpOnly;
return count=count+1 ;
return 0;
This statement results in the function immediately returning either a 1
or a 0
depending on if the first cookie found has the property cookie.isHttpOnly
as true
or false
. [Note: cookie
is always 0
when this if
statement is executed for the first and only time.] No other cookies are checked other than the first one because you immediately return
the value. Execution of your function ends at either of the two return
statements within this if
statement. The lines within the function after the if
will not be executed.
From what you describe you desire, your if
statement would be better as:
Note: Given that you only use cookie.isHttpOnly
once, there is no need to assign it to a separate variable.