I'm poking around with xMega AVR microcontroller, and having trouble passing the hardware register as a pointer. Pretty sure this is pointer magic, but after a long day can't understand what's wrong.
is defined (in GCC-AVR toolchain) as follows:
#define PORTA (*(PORT_t *) 0x0600)
This works:
int main(void)
// This will set GPIO high
PORTA.DIRSET = 1 << 1;
PORTA.OUTSET = 1 << 1;
while(1) {};
And this won't work:
void gpio_output_set(PORT_t * port, unsigned char pin)
// This will *NOT* set GPIO high
port->DIRSET = 1 << pin;
port->OUTSET = 1 << pin;
int main(void)
gpio_output_set(&PORTA, 1);
while(1) {};
I think it should work.
Essentially it the same as
PORT_t* pPort = &*(PORT_t*)0x0600;
pPort->DIRSET = 0x01;
So why should this be a problem? The Atmel Software Framework libraries use this as well:
void PORT_ConfigureInterrupt0(PORT_t* port, PORT_INT0LVL_t intLevel, uint8_t pinMask);
PORT_ConfigureInterrupt0(&PORTC, PORT_INT0LVL_MED_gc, 0x01);