I have like this markup
<div class="sprite player" style="top: 28%; left: 26%;"></div>
<div class="sprite player" style="top: 10%; left: 37%;"></div>
<div class="sprite player" style="left: 36%; top: 28%;"></div>
There is inline styling for every element, but i want to put that inside CSS, i dont want to put like new class and then add styling, this maybe can be done by pseudo class first child and then second etc.
When i got new css I need something like this
top: 28%; left: 26%;
.player:first-child + .player{
top: 10%; left: 37%;
And so on, it it possible to make it like that?
Try this may help you
top: 28%; left: 26%;
top: 10%; left: 37%;
left: 36%; top: 28%;