I made elasticsearch query that get each oid name and it's count divided by 1000. ( the number(1000) can be changed)
"aggregations" : { "agg_oid" : { "terms" : { "field" : "oid", "order" : { "_count" : "desc" } }, "aggregations" : { "agg_values" : { "bucket_script": { "buckets_path": { "count": "_count" }, "script": "count / 1000" } } } } }
It works well, and tried to make it with java api (currently using jest).
.terms( "agg_oid")
.field( "oid")
// bucket script and path for count
How to implement of 'bucket_script' in java? If not, is there any way to query aggregation's count with caculating in java api?
Something like this should do:
Map<String, String> bucketsPathsMap = new HashMap<>();
bucketsPathsMap.put("count", "_count");
Script script = new Script("count / 1000");
BucketScriptPipelineAggregationBuilder bs = PipelineAggregatorBuilders
.bucketScript("agg_values", bucketsPathsMap, script);
TermsAggregationBuilder oid = AggregationBuilders.terms("agg_oid")