If we want to call a function that modifies an object's properties, is there another way to self-reference other than using obj.property inside the function?
Example (in other languages such as Java):
public void doSomething(int arg)
foobar = arg;
However example with Matlab:
classdef Foo < handle
foobar = 0;
function obj = Foo(arg)
if nargin > 0
obj.foobar = arg;
function doSomething(obj, arg)
obj.foobar = obj.foobar + arg; % Needed to reference the current object
With more properties, it could start to look messy from writing all the "obj."
I've seen some people use "o." (less characters looks a bit nicer), but I was wondering if there was a better way (ie: without using obj.) or is this the only option?
This is the only option, yes. Passing obj
as the first argument is necessary because matlab chooses the right version of a function using "dynamic dispatch". I.e. if you have two classes and both define doSomething
functions, matlab will call the right version based on the type of the first argument; this is why the first argument of a member function (with the exception of the constructor) always needs to be the object itself.
Whereas in java, something entirely different is going on, since it's a compiled language, not an interpreted one. There it's a case of polymorphism, etc etc.
So no. There is no shortcut. This is just how matlab classes work.