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Travis CI Build Failure

I'm attempting to get a Travis CI build to work. The build was fine until I configured the file to upload to Maven Central. I don't want to configure the Travis CI build to actually upload releases yet. I just want it to verify the build, and run tests.

My original .travis.yml file stopped working because of the ./gradlew assemble task runs signArchives has properties that I hadn't defined. I now fixed the script to define these properties, but it fails at the signArchives task since I don't have this setup on Travis CI.

I tried to customize the build step using the following script, but it still ends up running ./gradlew assemble.

language: java
  - oraclejdk8
script: gradle build -x signArchives

Why is it not honoring my custom defined script?

GitHub project

Failed Travis CI Build


  • Per the suggestion of @travisci (thanks for the quick help!), I changed the script: step to install:.

    language: java
      - oraclejdk8
      - ./gradlew assemble -x signArchives