I have a cheat sheet I use to for turning a list of orders in a comma delimited list. I've been asked to duplicate it, but instead of simply returning the values from the list, I've been asked to place them in quotation marks for a SQL query a coworker. So a list like: A B C Should be returned as "A","B","C". Below is the code I have for creating the CSV list.
Function csvRange(myRange As Range)
Dim csvRangeOutput
Dim entry As Variant
For Each entry In myRange
If Not IsEmpty(entry.Value) Then
csvRangeOutput = csvRangeOutput & entry.Value & ","
End If
csvRange = Left(csvRangeOutput, Len(csvRangeOutput) - 1)
End Function
I'm totally new to VBA, but I tried playing with the code to figure it out myself. Adding more quotes, using the tilde symbol wasn't working. That basically exhausted my toolkit. Thanks for any help.
If Not IsEmpty(entry.Value) Then
csvRangeOutput = csvRangeOutput & """" & entry.Value & """" & ","
End If