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How to change displayed content in ui-grid?

I use uigrid in my angulrjs project:

Here is content to display:

   $scope.arr = [{id:'124',name:'Max',  IsMale:'true'}, 
                  {id:'589',name:'Anna', IsMale:'false'}, 
                  {id:'45',name:'Donna', IsMale:'false'},
                  {id:'567',name:'Mark', IsMale:'true'}];

Here is UI-GRID defenition:

    $scope.gridOptions = {
        enableColumnMenus: false,
        enableSorting: true,
        enableFiltering: false,
        enableToopTip: true,
        enableHorizontalScrollbar: 0,
        onRegisterApi: function (gridApi) {
            gridApi = gridApi

  $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
    { name: 'Name ', field: 'name', cellTooltip: true, headerTooltip: true },
    { name: 'Id ', field: 'id', cellTooltip: true, headerTooltip: true },
    { name: 'IsMail ', field: 'IsMale', cellTooltip: true, headerTooltip: true }];

     $ = $scope.arr;

Here is template:

 <div id="grid1" ui-grid="gridOptions" class="grid"></div>

Here is working plunker.

I want to change displayed content of the IsMal field in ui-grid where the filed shows "true" I need to display "Yes" and where is false I need to display "No".

Any ides how can I change the displayed content in ui-grid field?


  • I changed your $scope.arr so your isMale is actually a boolean type.

     $scope.arr = [{id:'124',name:'Max',  IsMale:true}, 
                  {id:'589',name:'Anna', IsMale:false}, 
                  {id:'45',name:'Donna', IsMale:false},
                  {id:'567',name:'Mark', IsMale:true}];

    And then I added a cellTemplate to your gridOptions.

    $scope.gridOptions.columnDefs = [
        { name: 'IsMail ', field: 'IsMail', cellTooltip: true, headerTooltip: true, cellTemplate: '<div><p ng-if="COL_FIELD">YES</p><p ng-if="!COL_FIELD">NO</p></div>' }];