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How to get rid of margins

I designated the width, height, and resolution of the plot, then removed the margins as in the below code, and drew a plot.

But I still have margins. I got the same plot with and without the par command. The uploaded image was reduced from 7000*5000 to 1400*1000 to reduce under 2MB.

enter image description here


parwd = 7000
parht = 5000
parres = 1000

par(oma = c(0,0,0,0), mar = c(0,0,0,0))

jpeg(filename="CC_1_fo.jpg", width = parwd, height = parht, res = parres)
scatterplot3d(1:10, 1:10, 1:10,
              cex.symbol = 0.2,
              xlab = expression(T[1]),
              ylab = expression(T[2]),
              zlab = expression(tau))

How can I really remove the margins?


  • I guess 3D plotting is a bit funky and some of the par arguments don't work as expected. Specifically, if you want to set margins with mar you have to use the actual mar argument in scatterplot3d.

    This is stated in the notes of the help (?scatterplot3d):

    Some graphical parameters should only be set as arguments in scatterplot3d but not in a previous par() call. One of these is mar (...)


    scatterplot3d(1:10, 1:10, 1:10,
                  cex.symbol = 0.2,
                  xlab = expression(T[1]),
                  ylab = expression(T[2]),
                  zlab = expression(tau),
                  mar = c(0,0,0,0))

    will result in a plot without margins:

    enter image description here

    Setting the margins to zero will cut off your tick-labels though.