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Passing function into ng-repeat object

so I have a problem with ng-repeat directive. In my code I have a parent controller which have data stored as array of objects.

$scope.queue = [
    name: 'Mark',
    sex: 'Male',
    age: 21

$scope.changePositionInQueue = function (currIndex, targetIndex) {
  // move up / down person in queue 

What I want to do is pass parent controller's function to my directive's ('person') isolated scope and at the same time be able to use '$index', '$first', '$last' variables.

<person data-change-position="changePositionInQueue" data-person="person" ng-repeat="person in queue"></person>

Directive scope declaration:

scope: {
 person: '=',
 changePosition: '&'

The problem is that when I create isolated scope inside ng-repeat loop I lose ng-repeat properties. On the other hand when I create default scope by ng-repeat and I have access to all wanted properties I can't use parent function.


  • This is my solution to your challenge:
    In view:

    <my-directive dir-func="fnc($index)" data="data" ng-repeat="data in datas"><span>{{|json}}</span><br></my-directive>

    In Direct call parent function in link:

    myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {
      return {
        //require: 'ngModle',
        scope: {
          data: "=",
          dirFunc: "&"
        link: function(scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {
            scope.dirFunc() // parent scope.func is called here where you get the alert

    See the Plunker for detail