i try save file to server, i'm using the ng-file-upload
directive, i added the next html - code:
<button class="button" ngf-select ng-model="fileCover" name="fileCover" ngf-pattern="'image/*'"
ngf-accept="'image/*'" ngf-max-size="20MB" ngf-min-height="100">Select</button>
<button type="submit" ng-click="submitUpload(fileCover)">submit</button>
and my angularjs-code:
$scope.submitUpload = function (fileCover) {
url: '/api/upload',
data: { file: fileCover }
And i have a empty controller:
public void Upload ( )
Tell me please, how i can save files at server side ?Thanks for your answers!
I have a solution using an older version of ng-file-upload (angular-file-upload), and my WebApi method that received the file looks like this:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Upload() {
try {
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) {
var provider = GetMultipartProvider();
var result = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider);
// On upload, files are given a generic name like "BodyPart_26d6abe1-3ae1-416a-9429-b35f15e6e5d5"
// so this is how you can get the original file name
var originalFileName = GetDeserializedFileName(result.FileData.First());
// uploadedFileInfo object will give you some additional stuff like file length,
// creation time, directory name, a few filesystem methods etc..
var uploadedFileInfo = new FileInfo(result.FileData.First().LocalFileName);
// Create full path for where to move the uploaded file
string targetFile = Path.Combine(uploadedFileInfo.DirectoryName, originalFileName);
// If the file in the full path exists, delete it first otherwise FileInfo.MoveTo() will throw exception
if (File.Exists(targetFile))
// Move the uploaded file to the target folder
// targetFile now contains the uploaded file
// Through the request response you can return an object to the Angular controller
// You will be able to access this in the .success callback through its data attribute
// If you want to send something to the .error callback, use the HttpStatusCode.BadRequest instead
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError) { Content = new ObjectContent(ex.GetType(), ex, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()) };
private MultipartFormDataStreamProvider GetMultipartProvider() {
var uploadFolder = @"C:\Temp"
if (Directory.Exists(uploadFolder) == false) Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadFolder);
return new MultipartFormDataStreamProvider(uploadFolder);
private string GetDeserializedFileName(MultipartFileData fileData) {
var fileName = GetFileName(fileData);
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(fileName).ToString();
private string GetFileName(MultipartFileData fileData) {
return fileData.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName;
Hopefully the server side functionality hasn't changed much in the versions between what I'm using and the one you are using.