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Determine if cell exists in a specified range w/ Powershell Excel COM

For example, I'm looking to determine the following logic:

if (B2 in A1:B20)  # if cell B2 is within the range A1:B20
   return $true

Is there a function within excel that can be used for something like this? I read about =COUNTIF() function but was not able to get it working. Again this is using an Excel COM object within Powershell.



  • Since cell names are basically coordinates, this is purely a question of arithmetic comparison, no need to involve Excel itself:

    function Test-CellInRange
        # Grab X and Y coordinates from Range input, sort in ascending order (low to high)
        $P1,$P2 = $Range -split ':'
        $Xpoints = ($P1 -replace '\d'),($P2 -replace '\d') |Sort-Object
        $Ypoints = ($P1 -replace '\D'),($P2 -replace '\D') |Sort-Object
        # Grab X and Y coordinate from cell
        $CellX = $Cell -replace '\d'
        $CellY = $Cell -replace '\D'
        # Test whether cell coordinates are within range
        return ($CellX -ge $Xpoints[0] -and $CellX -le $Xpoints[1] -and $CellY -ge $Ypoints[0] -and $CellY -le $Ypoints[1])

    Use it like:

    if(Test-CellInRange -Cell B2 -Range A1:B20){
        "B2 is in A1:B20"