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CakePHP Return Array From Ajax Post Call

I know there are a ton of other 'duplicate' questions out there, regarding this topic. But I'm still stuck. I'm simply trying to console log an array passed from PHP through ajax.

In CakePHP 2.X:

In View:

<button class="quarter q1" value="1" value>Quarter 1</button>
<button class="quarter q2" value="2">Quarter 2</button>
<button class="quarter q3" value="3">Quarter 3</button>
<button class="quarter q4" value="4">Quarter 4</button>

<script type="text/javascript">
        var quarter_val = this.value;

            url: "/rep/testQueue",
            type: "post",
            data: {quarter_val:quarter_val},
            success: function(data) {
                var months = <?php echo json_encode($months); ?>;

            error: function(){

            complete: function() {


In my Controller:

public function queue() {
  if($this->request->isPost()) {
    $this->autoRender = false;
    $this->layout = false;

    $quarter_chosen = $this->request->data['quarter_val'];
    $month s= $this->_get_quarter($quarter_chosen);

    $this->set('months', $months);

  public function _get_quarter($quarter_chosen){
      switch($quarter_chosen) {
          case 1: return array('January', 'February', 'March');
          case 2: return array('April', 'May', 'June');
          case 3: return array('July', 'August', 'September');
          case 4: return array('October', 'November', 'December');

I've tried multiple different things. array_map, JSON.parse, setting dataType to json. Still, when I try to console log months in the ajax success function, I get null.

If I'm not understanding something correctly, please fill me in, or share sources that will. Thank you kindly.


  • Mate, you can use the cake's JS helper. On the 'succes' at the Js->request method, the data will be received as "data".

    //somewhere on view
        'var quarter_val = $(this).val();' .
          array('controller' => 'ya controller', 'action' => 'ya action' , 'ya arguments (if needed)'),
              'async' => true,
              'dataExpression' => true,
              'data' => '{quarter_val: quarter_val}',
              'method' => 'POST',
              'success' => 'console.log(data);' // It should print the returned data into your console
    //Now, to print the buffered script by the JS helper:
    echo $this->Js->writeBuffer();
    //To print it into your script block
    echo $this->Js->writeBuffer();

    Your controller method should echo the array instead set it with $this->set(). You will receive the data with JS so you must echo the data json_encoded so your script can use it.

    //On your queue method, instead $this->set('months', $months);
    echo json_encode($months);