I'm trying to parse a groovy object to JSON. The properties names don't follow the correct camel case form.
class Client {
String Name
Date Birthdate
When I use this
Client client = new Client(Name: 'Richard Waters', Birthdate: new Date())
println (client as JSON).toString(true)
I got this
"client": {
"name": 'Richard Waters',
"birthdate": "2016-07-22T03:00:00Z",
How can I keep de Upper Case in start of my properties keys?
Another option is to use a gson serializer
with annotations: https://google.github.io/gson/apidocs/com/google/gson/annotations/SerializedName.html
import com.google.gson.Gson
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName
class Client {
String name
Date birthdate
def client = new Client(name: 'John', birthdate: new Date())
def strJson = new Gson().toJson(client)
println strJson