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Ajax POST data in Request Param

I am making a POST request as below :

     url :"/clientCredentials.json",
     type: "POST",
     data: {
        "clientEmail": email,
     success: function(response){

         alert("something went wrong");

On the server, I am using @RequestParams to get this data.

@RequestParam String clientEmail, @RequestParam String clientName, @RequestParam String orgName, @RequestParam String logoURL, @RequestParam String redirectURI

I am getting below from from server:

{"code":"400","errorMessage":"Required String parameter 'clientEmail' is not present"}

If I use @RequestBody instead of @RequestParam to accept this data its working fine.

My question is How can I get this data in Request Parameters? What am I doing wrong? I have tried Jquery($.get(), $.post()) also. nothing working.

Thanks for any help.


  • I just did small project with latest version of spring boot and jquery and it is working well, and based on investigation I did I found there are 2 factor can make this issue, one from jquery and other one from Spring MVC converters:

    1- jquery ajax have contentType parameter

    contentType (default: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8')

    if this one changed to application/json or application/xml will change the way it is sending request to server then will make issue to server parsing, but it is default value will send form as key=value coma separated and this is OK with FormHttpMessageConverter "which is drive us to next point"

    2- spring MVC is using FormHttpMessageConverter for "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" parsing or converting then you can use @RequestParam if this converter changed to other converter like:

    MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter for 'application/json'


    Jaxb2CollectionHttpMessageConverter for 'application/xml'

    so it will expect another request and you can get it using @RequestBody

    So, you have to check request going from jquery is it form, json, or xml using development tools in your browser, then check you spring code/configuration to be sure that this request is converted by the FormHttpMessageConverter, this converter could be changed by the parameters of your @RequestMapping.