I am using Emacs org and enjoy it. I know org agenda and try it, but do not keep using it. Because I always have a lot of things to do, a few projects, home and personal things.All these are recorded in a few org files.
How can I generate one agenda view from these a few org files?
Customise the org-agenda-files
You can do this interactively by visiting your Org files and add them to the agenda files by pressing C-c [
. The agenda files may be stored in a section like the following in your init file:
'(org-agenda-files (quote ("~/org/gtd.org"))))
Some advice: this is basic Org functionality. I suggest working through one of the good tutorials out there to learn the basic Org commands and customisation options, for example http://orgmode.org/guide/Agenda-files.html#Agenda-files.