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How to enter multiple line of code in CMD from VBA?

I want to open a cmd.exe and then execute a few lines of code.

I searched the web for some examples.

Code I tried modifying:

strToPrint = "Hello World!"
Shell "cmd.exe /K echo " & strToPrint, vbNormalFocus

I found How to write message to command window from VBA?

I tried multiple lines of coding, but the lines are executed in different command windows:

Sub CMD_VBA_Script()
    Shell "cmd.exe /K echo Hello World!", vbNormalFocus
    Shell "cmd.exe /K color 0a", vbNormalFocus
End Sub

I understand when I call the Shell two times, that it will execute two times.

My goal is to call the following script from VBA:

@echo off
    title Matrix
    color 0a
    mode 1000

    echo %random%%random%
    goto a

How can I execute multiple lines of code from VBA in command prompt?


  • MyFile = "C:\cmdcode.bat"
    fnum = FreeFile()
    Open MyFile For Output As #fnum
    Print #fnum, "@echo off"
    Print #fnum, "title Matrix"
    Print #fnum, "color 0a"
    Print #fnum, "mode 1000"
    Print #fnum, ""
    Print #fnum, ":a"
    Print #fnum, "echo %random%%random%"
    Print #fnum, "goto a"
    Close #fnum
    ' Run bat-file:
    Shell MyFile, vbNormalFocus
    ' optional, remove bat-file:
    Kill "C:\cmdcode.bat"

    So in short. You need to create a bat-file that you run. If you don't need the bat-file after it's done you can delete it with Kill