I am trying to parse a string into a struct using boost spirit x3:
struct identifier {
std::vector<std::string> namespaces;
std::vector<std::string> classes;
std::string identifier;
now I have a parser rule to match a strings like this:
my parser rule looks like this.
auto const nested_identifier_def =
-(id_string % "::")
>> -(id_string % ".")
>> id_string
where id_string
parses combinations of alphanum
I know this rule doesnt work to parse as I want it, because while parsing foo.bar
for example this part of the rule -(id_string % ".")
consumes the whole string.
How can i change the rule to parse correctly in the struct?
Assuming your id_string
is something like this:
auto const id_string = x3::rule<struct id_string_tag, std::string>{} =
(x3::alpha | '_')
>> *(x3::alnum | '_')
then I think this is what you're after:
auto const nested_identifier_def =
*(id_string >> "::")
>> *(id_string >> '.')
>> id_string;
The issue is that p % delimit
is shorthand for p >> *(delimit >> p)
, i.e. it always consumes one p
after the delimiter. However what you want is *(p >> delimit)
so that no p
is consumed after the delimiter and is instead left for the next rule.