I would like to delete enclosed text between special characters like: ["{'<( etc .. this way I can remove text like "this is a very ... long text" with a simple keyboard shortcut. I was looking for some already existing mode that performs something similar but I didn't found any so I created some lisp code which performs good in most of situations, however it's not working correctly in all cases. For example if I have the following text entry and I put the cursor in the position"^" then I would liek to remove all the text enclosed by " but it doesn't work:
"aaaaa ] > [more text] aaaaa"
------------ ^
My lisp code is the following:
;; returns the enclosing character for the character "c"
(defun get-enc-char (c) (cond
((string= c "(") ")")
((string= c "[") "]")
((string= c "{") "}")
((string= c ">") "<")
((string= c "<") ">")
((string= c "'") "'")
((string= c "\"") "\"")
(t nil)
(defun delete-enclosed-text ()
"Delete texts between any pair of delimiters."
(let (p1 p2 mychar)
; look for one of those characters and store the cursor position
(skip-chars-backward "^([\'\"><{") (setq p1 (point))
; store the char at this point, look for its enclosed char and advance
; the cursor newly (this done to avoid the cases when the char and
; its enclosed-char are the same like " or ' chars.
(backward-char 1) (setq mychar (thing-at-point 'char)) (forward-char 1)
; look forward for the enclosed char
(skip-chars-forward (concatenate 'string "^" (get-enc-char mychar))) (setq p2 (point))
; only delete the region if we found the enclosed character
(if (looking-at "[\]\}\"\'\)<>]") (kill-region p1 p2)))))
Here a solution based on your code
;; returns the enclosing character for the character "c"
(defun get-enc-char (c) (cond
((string= c "(") ")")
((string= c "[") "]")
((string= c "{") "}")
((string= c ">") "<")
((string= c "<") ">")
((string= c "'") "'")
((string= c "\"") "\"")
(t nil)
(defvar empty-enclose 0)
(defun delete-enclosed-text ()
"Delete texts between any pair of delimiters."
(setq empty-enclose 0)
(let (p1 p2 orig)
(setq orig (point))
(setq p1 (point))
(setq p2 (point))
(setq find 0)
(setq mychar (thing-at-point 'char))
(if (-contains? '("(" "[" "{" "<" "'" "\"") mychar)
(setq left_encloser (thing-at-point 'char))
(backward-char -1)
(if (string-equal (thing-at-point 'char) (get-enc-char left_encloser))
(backward-char -1)
(setq p2 (point))
(setq find 1)
(setq empty-enclose 1)))))
(while (eq find 0)
(skip-chars-backward "^({[<>\"'")
(setq p1 (point))
(backward-char 1)
(setq left_encloser (thing-at-point 'char))
(goto-char orig)
(while (and (not (eobp)) (eq find 0))
(backward-char -1)
(skip-chars-forward "^)}]<>\"'")
(setq right_encloser (thing-at-point 'char))
(if (string-equal right_encloser (get-enc-char left_encloser))
(setq p2 (point))
(setq find 1))))
(goto-char p1)
(backward-char 1))
(delete-region p1 p2)))
(if (eq empty-enclose 0)
(backward-char 1)))