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Why am I getting an error regarding Bolts framework and FacebookSDK when I'm not even using Bolts?

Getting this error

framework not found Bolts for architecture x86_64

Followed Facebook's guide word for word, but the only place I can think of an error with linking happening is in the Build Settings for Framework Search Paths. All I currently am attempting in the app is to add a Facebook Login in button, simply visually to make sure it's loading visually. No method functionality is added, but I can't even build the project in this current state.


    1. Open the project in Xcode.
    2. Go to where you extracted the FacebookSDK. If you're using Mac OSX, it should be available in Documents/FacebookSDK.
    3. Grab the Bolts.framework file and drop into your Frameworks folder in Xcode for your project.

    It should build now.