I am trying to connect to printer using ruby language. Printer vendor has given use certain commands that i can use to communicate with printer.
I am using ruby telnet library to communicate with printer. it is working fine. Below is the code that is working for me using ruby telnet library.
require 'net/telnet'
localhost = Net::Telnet::new("Host" => "","Port" => 20000, "Timeout" => 15)
localhost.cmd("MARK START") # starts printer
The above code works perfectly but i don't want to use telent library. i want to execute printer commands using ruby socket programming.
I have tried below code but it doesn't work
require 'socket'
sock = TCPSocket.new('', 20000)
sock.write 'MARK START'
What could be the reason for this?? why code with telnet library is working and code with TCP socket programming not working.
It seems that the printer is using Telnet protocol, described here. Telnet sits at a higher level of abstraction and uses TCP to transmit it's data. You are trying to send messages over tcp without any telnet connection being established while your printer expects a telnet connection, in order to receive commands.