I have a couple of queries which pull data for use in a graph.
<cfquery name='clusterPrivateReferrals' dbtype="query">
SELECT organisationName, count(messageID)*1000/listSize as msgCount
FROM clusterReferrals
WHERE datecreated>#refRateStartDate#
AND refTypeID=3
GROUP BY organisationName, listSize
<cfquery name='clusterNHSReferrals' dbtype="query">
SELECT organisationName, count(messageID)*1000/listSize as msgCount
FROM clusterReferrals
WHERE datecreated>#refRateStartDate#
AND refTypeID<>3
GROUP BY organisationName, listSize
The graph code is
<cfchart format="flash" title="Cluster referrals per 1000 patients from #dateformat(refRateStartDate, 'dd-mmm-yy')#" chartWidth="470" chartHeight="380" fontSize="12" style="chart.xml" seriesPlacement = "stacked" showLegend = "yes">
<cfchartseries type="bar" seriescolor="##FFD800" seriesLabel="Private" query="clusterPrivateReferrals" valueColumn="msgCount" ItemColumn="organisationName">
<cfchartseries type="bar" seriescolor="##F47D30" seriesLabel="NHS" query="clusterNHSReferrals" valueColumn="msgCount" ItemColumn="organisationName">
this gives me the following graph
How do I get the data displayed sorted by the total of the stacked elements?
@ Ben
That got me on the right track, I didnt previously know QOQ could combine 2 completely different queries
<cfquery name='clusterPrivateReferrals' dbtype="query">
SELECT organisationName, count(messageID)*1000/listSize as privateRate
FROM allReferrals
WHERE datecreated>#refRateStartDate#
AND refTypeID=3
GROUP BY organisationName, listSize
<cfquery name='clusterNHSReferrals' dbtype="query">
SELECT organisationName, count(messageID)*1000/listSize as nhsRate
FROM allReferrals
WHERE datecreated>#refRateStartDate#
AND refTypeID<>3
GROUP BY organisationName, listSize
<cfquery name="stackOrder" dbtype="query">
select clusterPrivateReferrals.privateRate,
(clusterPrivateReferrals.privateRate + clusterNHSReferrals.nhsRate) as totalRate
from clusterPrivateReferrals, clusterNHSReferrals
WHERE clusterNHSReferrals.organisationName = clusterPrivateReferrals.organisationName
order by totalRate desc
The simplest way would be to use a QofQ:
<cfquery name="stackOrder" dbtype="query">
select clusterPrivateReferrals.msgCount as privateReferrals,
clusterNHSReferrals.msgCount as NHSReferrals,
from clusterPrivateReferrals
join clusterNHSReferrals on clusterNHSReferrals.organizationName = clusterPrivateReferrals.organizationName
order by (privateReferrals+privateReferrals) desc
I've not tested this, so you may need to tweak it a little.
Now, you should be able to use the two Referrals columns as the data columns for the graph.