Can someone please explain why I keep getting gibberish after I use strok() on myString? A picture of my output is at the bottom. I tried initializing every single element in myString to be a NULL character but my code still doesnt work :(
Expected Output:
My Output :
int main()
int i;
char myString[60];
char *token;
float result;
float x;
float y;
struct Stack myStack;
printf("\nWelcome to my RPN calculator.\n");
printf("Enter floats and + - / * in RPN format: \n >");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (myString); i++) {
myString[i] = '\0';
fgets(myString, sizeof (myString), stdin);
token = strtok(myString, " ");
while (token != NULL) {
printf("%f\n", atof(token));
token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (atof(token) != 0) {
StackPush(&myStack, atof(token));
} else if (*token == '+') { // if token is addition
StackPop(&myStack, &y);
StackPop(&myStack, &x);
result = x + y;
StackPush(&myStack, result);
} else if (*token == '-') { // if token is subtraction
StackPop(&myStack, &y);
StackPop(&myStack, &x);
result = x - y;
StackPush(&myStack, result);
} else if (*token == '*') { // if token is multiplication
StackPop(&myStack, &y);
StackPop(&myStack, &x);
result = x * y;
StackPush(&myStack, result);
} else if (*token == '/') { // if token is division
StackPop(&myStack, &y);
StackPop(&myStack, &x);
result = x / y;
StackPush(&myStack, result);
while (1);
As pointed out by @BLUEPIXY in a comment, your code has a problem here:
token = strtok(myString, " "); // Here you get the first sub string
while (token != NULL) {
printf("%f\n", atof(token));
token = strtok(NULL, " "); // Here you get the second sub string
// and throw away the first substring
// So all the code below is never executed
// for the first substring.
// In other words: You never push the first
// float to the stack
if (atof(token) != 0) {
StackPush(&myStack, atof(token));
What you should do instead is to move token = strtok(NULL, " ");
to the end of the loop:
while (token != NULL) {
printf("%f\n", atof(token));
// Not here............. token = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (atof(token) != 0) {
StackPush(&myStack, atof(token));
} else if (*token == '+') { // if token is addition
token = strtok(NULL, " "); // but here