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moq setup not returning expected value

i am using Nunit and Autofac's Moq to setup a test

public class SomeTests

    public void Initialize()

    public void SalaryCheck()
        using (var mock = AutoMock.GetLoose())
            // Arrange
            mock.Mock<ICommonServices>().Setup(x => x.AddTwoNumbers(1,2)).Returns(5);
            var sut = mock.Create<SomeManager>(); 
            // Act
            int actul = sut.CalculateSalary(1);

            var expected = 5;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actul);


CalculateSalary function looks like this

  public int CalculateSalary(int hours)
        var addres = _commonService.AddTwoNumbers(5,3);
        if (addres == 5)
            return addres * hours;
            return  100;

i want AddTwoNumbers function which is a external dependency, to return 5 no matter what. thats why i am setting it up after mocking it. But when i debug this test it looks like it goes inside the calsulate salary function but returns a "0" for AddTwoNumbers function. which is kind of a default or a null value.

it does not return me 5 i.e. what i set it up to return.


  • You need to use It.IsAny<int>() i.e.

    mock.Mock<ICommonServices>().Setup(x => x.AddTwoNumbers(It.IsAny<int>(),It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(5);