Search code examples

put and load a jquery/js in wordpress theme

I want to use this code on my wp ,


But I don't know how put that js code and load that on single.php T_T.

This is the JS code:

document.getElementById("copyButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
copyToClipboardMsg(document.getElementById("copyTarget"), "msg");

document.getElementById("copyButton2").addEventListener("click",         function() {
copyToClipboardMsg(document.getElementById("copyTarget2"), "msg");

document.getElementById("pasteTarget").addEventListener("mousedown",         function() {
this.value = "";

function copyToClipboardMsg(elem, msgElem) {
  var succeed = copyToClipboard(elem);
var msg;
if (!succeed) {
    msg = "Copy not supported or blocked.  Press Ctrl+c to copy."
} else {
    msg = "Text copied to the clipboard."
if (typeof msgElem === "string") {
    msgElem = document.getElementById(msgElem);
msgElem.innerHTML = msg;
setTimeout(function() {
    msgElem.innerHTML = "";
}, 2000);

function copyToClipboard(elem) {
  // create hidden text element, if it doesn't already exist
var targetId = "_hiddenCopyText_";
var isInput = elem.tagName === "INPUT" || elem.tagName === "TEXTAREA";
var origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd;
if (isInput) {
    // can just use the original source element for the selection and     copy
    target = elem;
    origSelectionStart = elem.selectionStart;
    origSelectionEnd = elem.selectionEnd;
} else {
    // must use a temporary form element for the selection and copy
    target = document.getElementById(targetId);
    if (!target) {
        var target = document.createElement("textarea"); = "absolute"; = "-9999px"; = "0"; = targetId;
    target.textContent = elem.textContent;
// select the content
var currentFocus = document.activeElement;
target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length);

// copy the selection
var succeed;
try {
      succeed = document.execCommand("copy");
} catch(e) {
    succeed = false;
// restore original focus
if (currentFocus && typeof currentFocus.focus === "function") {

if (isInput) {
    // restore prior selection
    elem.setSelectionRange(origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd);
} else {
    // clear temporary content
    target.textContent = "";
return succeed;

pls help me.I have new version of wordpress. i just want to load this js code on my single.php . This js code is a way to copy text in textarea with a button.


  • Into your single.php file before <?php get_footer(); ?> this code

    <script language="javascript">document.getElementById("copyButton").addEventListener("click", function() {
    copyToClipboardMsg(document.getElementById("copyTarget"), "msg");
    document.getElementById("copyButton2").addEventListener("click",         function() {
    copyToClipboardMsg(document.getElementById("copyTarget2"), "msg");
    document.getElementById("pasteTarget").addEventListener("mousedown",         function() {
    this.value = "";
    function copyToClipboardMsg(elem, msgElem) {
      var succeed = copyToClipboard(elem);
    var msg;
    if (!succeed) {
        msg = "Copy not supported or blocked.  Press Ctrl+c to copy."
    } else {
        msg = "Text copied to the clipboard."
    if (typeof msgElem === "string") {
        msgElem = document.getElementById(msgElem);
    msgElem.innerHTML = msg;
    setTimeout(function() {
        msgElem.innerHTML = "";
    }, 2000);
    function copyToClipboard(elem) {
      // create hidden text element, if it doesn't already exist
    var targetId = "_hiddenCopyText_";
    var isInput = elem.tagName === "INPUT" || elem.tagName === "TEXTAREA";
    var origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd;
    if (isInput) {
        // can just use the original source element for the selection and     copy
        target = elem;
        origSelectionStart = elem.selectionStart;
        origSelectionEnd = elem.selectionEnd;
    } else {
        // must use a temporary form element for the selection and copy
        target = document.getElementById(targetId);
        if (!target) {
            var target = document.createElement("textarea");
   = "absolute";
   = "-9999px";
   = "0";
   = targetId;
        target.textContent = elem.textContent;
    // select the content
    var currentFocus = document.activeElement;
    target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length);
    // copy the selection
    var succeed;
    try {
          succeed = document.execCommand("copy");
    } catch(e) {
        succeed = false;
    // restore original focus
    if (currentFocus && typeof currentFocus.focus === "function") {
    if (isInput) {
        // restore prior selection
        elem.setSelectionRange(origSelectionStart, origSelectionEnd);
    } else {
        // clear temporary content
        target.textContent = "";
    return succeed;