I want to add filter picker (that has options for filter data of column) in the column header of a grid. I'm using Ext JS 3.2.2
I am getting this:
I want my header like this:
How to add filter plugin in my grid?
Also I am trying this in code but not getting filter in drop down.
this.filters = new Ext.ux.grid.filter.StringFilter({
}) ;
grid.plugins = [this.filters],
grid.features = [{
ftype : this.filters
Thanks for your help
To use filder in header of grid
you need to write by following manner.
diclear array of filter and then give scope to grid. Then write
grid.filters = new Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters({
}) ;
Write Plugin
grid.plugins = [this.filters];
Where you adding column write
type: 'list',
dataIndex: "DATAINDEX",
local : local,
dataForFilter : data
Data will come from the store. You cam modify as per you requirement. This is just basic what I will suggest you to achieve.