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How to add Filter picker in column header of Ext JS Grid 3.2

I want to add filter picker (that has options for filter data of column) in the column header of a grid. I'm using Ext JS 3.2.2

I am getting this:

Existing image

I want my header like this:

With Filter

How to add filter plugin in my grid?

Also I am trying this in code but not getting filter in drop down.

this.filters = new Ext.ux.grid.filter.StringFilter({
        }) ; 
        grid.plugins = [this.filters],
        grid.features = [{
                ftype : this.filters

Thanks for your help


  • To use filder in header of grid you need to write by following manner. diclear array of filter and then give scope to grid. Then write

    grid.filters = new Ext.ux.grid.GridFilters({
            }) ;

    Write Plugin

    grid.plugins = [this.filters];

    Where you adding column write

        type: 'list',
        dataIndex: "DATAINDEX",
        local : local,
        dataForFilter : data

    Data will come from the store. You cam modify as per you requirement. This is just basic what I will suggest you to achieve.