I'm using normalizr to normalize a response.
My problem is that I don't know how to manage the normalized response.
entities: {
words: {
1: {
definitions: [1, 2, 3]
// other word objects...
definitions: {
1: 'blah blah'
2: 'blah blah'
3: 'blah blah'
// definition objects
I want to pass the words to a react component with definitions. How can I retrieve the words with nested definitions and render it to my component.
assuming that your state looks something like this
entities: {
words: {
1: {
definitions: [1, 2, 3]
// other word objects...
definitions: {
1: {id:1, text:'blah blah'},
2: {id:2, text:'blah blah'},
3: {id:3, text:'blah blah'},
// definition objects
wordsById : [1,4,7,8,22]
then... WordList may looks like this. Slice ids of words from state, in order to render list
const WordList = ({ids}) => <div>{ids.map(id => <Word id={id} key={id}/>)}</div>;
export default connect(state =>({ ids:state.wordsById }))(WordList);
and Word component: Get particular word from state by id from props, calculate definitions list through map
const Word = ({word, definitions}) =>(
<div className="word-block">
<DefinitionsList definitions={definitions}/>
const mapStateToProps = (state, props) =>{
const word = state.entities.words[props.id];
const { definitions:ids } = word
return {
definitions:ids.map(id => state.entities.definitions[id])
export default connect(mapStateToProps, actions)(Word);
and DefinitionsList
const DefinitionsList = ({definitions})=> (
<div className="definitions">
{definitions.map(def =><div key={def.id}>{def.text}</div>)}
Functional compontent was used just for short.