I'm working on an UWP app meant to be running on a Raspberry Pi. I need to read data stored in .ini files - I know Microsoft would like me to use xml, but I am required to use ini.
I've succesfully used GetPrivateProfileString (following this : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1966/An-INI-file-handling-class-using-C) to read values from an ini file with a "standard" C# project.
However, this does not seem to be working on an UWP C# project. I don't have any error, simply that nothing happens if I try to read or write using the kernel32 functions.
What is happening ? Is it still possible to use these functions in an UWP app ? If not, will I have to write an ini-handling class myself ?
MSDN says:
Note This function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit Windows-based applications. Applications should store initialization information in the registry.
I assume that the function is not avaliable on your target platform. You have to read and parse the INI file yourself.