See bellow entities.
Person Entity
public class Person {
@GraphId Long personId;
private String name;
private String surname;
@Relationship(type = "ATTENDS", direction = Relationship.OUTGOING)
private Set<Event> events;
Attends Entity
@RelationshipEntity(type = "ATTENDS")
public class Attends {
private Long id;
private Person person;
private Event event;
private Date attendingDate;
Event Entity
public class Event {
private Long eventId;
private String eventName;
@Relationship(type = "ATTENDS", direction = Relationship.INCOMING)
private Set<Person> persons;
Here is my API
I want return a list of all the object with a relationship of attending to the person with the id provided, in the example below it would be a list of events.
event:{ "eventId":"1234", "name":"ComicCon" }
event:{ "eventId":"1235", "name":"AWS Summit" }
I try this following query but not getting result,
List<Attends> findByPersonPersonId(Long personId);
So How can achieve this result by query ?
Please Guide, Thanks.
Not very sure what exactly you want ? If you want to get all Attends of all Persons or all Attends for a particular person.
Nevertheless, I have provided answers for both.
Create a AttendsRepository and add a findByPersonId(String personId) in it.
public interface AttendsRepository extends GraphRepository<Attends>{
@Query("Match(p:Person {personId:{0}})-[a:ATTENDS]->(e:Event) return a")
Iterable<Attends> findByPersonId(String personId);
Then you can get the desired results by
public void getAllAttends(){
Iterable<Attends> allAttends = attendsRepository.findAll();
allAttends.forEach(attend -> {
public void getAttendsByPerson(){
String personId = "283f51e9-9ade-4f46-a005-7353b5211c8b";
Iterable<Attends> allAttends = attendsRepository.findByPersonId(personId);
allAttends.forEach(attend -> {