I'm making an POS application on mobile phone and I have a question. How do I calculate the grand total from the list of item from the database? Here's my code
POSApp.OrderDetail = function (params, viewInfo) {
"use strict";
var id = params.id,
order = new POSApp.OrderViewModel(),
isReady = $.Deferred(),
// Item List
shouldReload = false,
dataSourceObservable = ko.observable(),
function handleViewShown() {
POSApp.db.Orders.byKey(id).done(function (data) {
// Item List
if (!dataSourceObservable()) {
dataSource.load().always(function () {
else if (shouldReload) {
// Item List
// Item List
function handleViewDisposing() {
POSApp.db.OrderDetails.off("modified", handleOrderDetailsModification);
function handleOrderDetailsModification() {
shouldReload = true;
// Item List
dataSource = new DevExpress.data.DataSource({
store: POSApp.db.OrderDetails,
map: function (item) {
return new POSApp.OrderDetailViewModel(item);
expand: ["Item"],
sort: { field: "OrderDetailId", desc: false },
filter: ["OrderId", parseInt(id)]
POSApp.db.OrderDetails.on("modified", handleOrderDetailsModification);
var viewModel = {
grandTotal: ko.observable(total),
handleDelete: function () {
DevExpress.ui.dialog.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this item?", "Delete item").then(function (result) {
if (result)
handleConfirmDelete: function () {
POSApp.db.Orders.remove(id).done(function () {
if (viewInfo.canBack) {
POSApp.app.navigate("Orders", { target: "back" });
else {
POSApp.app.navigate("Blank", { target: "current" });
//Item List
refreshList: function () {
shouldReload = false;
//Item List
// Return
id: id,
order: order,
viewShown: handleViewShown,
isReady: isReady.promise(),
// Item List
dataSource: dataSourceObservable,
viewDisposing: handleViewDisposing,
// Item List
// Return
return viewModel;
<div data-options="dxView : { name: 'OrderDetail', title: 'Order' } " >
<div data-bind="dxCommand: { onExecute: '#OrderEdit/{id}', direction: 'none', id: 'edit', title: 'Edit', icon: 'edit' }"></div>
<div data-bind="dxCommand: { onExecute: handleDelete, id: 'delete', title: 'Delete', icon: 'remove' }"></div>
<div data-options="dxContent : { targetPlaceholder: 'content' } " class="dx-detail-view dx-content-background" data-bind="dxDeferRendering: { showLoadIndicator: true, staggerItemSelector: 'dx-fieldset-header,.dx-field', animation: 'detail-item-rendered', renderWhen: isReady }" >
<div data-bind="dxScrollView: { }">
<div class="dx-fieldset">
<div class="dx-fieldset-header" data-bind="text: order.PhoneNumber"></div>
<div class="dx-field">
<div class="dx-field-label">Order id</div>
<div class="dx-field-value-static" data-bind="text: order.OrderId"></div>
<div class="dx-field">
<div class="dx-field-label">Phone number</div>
<div class="dx-field-value-static" data-bind="text: order.PhoneNumber"></div>
<div class="dx-field">
<div class="button-info" data-bind="dxButton: { text: 'Add Item', onClick: '#AddItem/{id}', icon: 'add', type: 'success' }"></div>
<!-- Item List -->
<div data-bind="dxList: { dataSource: dataSource, pullRefreshEnabled: true }">
<div data-bind="dxAction: '#OrderDetailDetails/{OrderDetailId}'" data-options="dxTemplate : { name: 'item' } ">
<!--<div class="list-item" data-bind="text: Item().ItemName"></div>
<div class="list-item" style="float:right;" data-bind="text: Amount"></div>-->
<div class="item-name" data-bind="text: Item().ItemName"></div>
<div class="item-amount" data-bind="text: Amount"></div>
<div class="clear-both"></div>
<div class="dx-field">
<div class="dx-field-label">Grand total</div>
<!--<div class="dx-field-value-static" data-bind="text: order.GrandTotal"></div>-->
<div class="dx-field-value-static" data-bind="text: grandTotal"></div>
<div data-options="dxContentPlaceholder : { name: 'view-footer', animation: 'none' } " ></div>
I've tried by using get element by class name and it still doesn't work.
Here, the source is a Knockout observable array and the dxList data source. A value of grand totals is stored in the 'total' variable which is a computed observable depending on 'source'. So, once 'source' is changed, 'total' is re-calculated as well.
var grandTotal = ko.observable(0);
dataSource = new DevExpress.data.DataSource({
// ...
onChanged: function () {
var items = dataSource.items();
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
grandTotal(grandTotal() + items[i].Amount());
return {
// ...
grandTotal: grandTotal