How do I stop Notepad++ from loading all files from the past session?
I know how to do that settings in Notepad++, but the problem is that I once opened a very large file (>10GB) and made the Notepad++ hang up. Notepad++ has already marked that big file in the session and therefore hang up everytime I start the Notepad++. Is there a way I can stop it from loading the past session so it won't hang up every time?
P.S. I have received a report on possible duplicate with this question. This is obviously a different case. At least in that question the notepad++ still starts up normally while in my case I cannot even change the settings normally because the notepad++ just hang while loading the stored version. The answer to this question also provide a good way to change the settings without starting Notepad++, which will be useful in fixing problems caused by settings when the Notepad++ cannot starts normally.
Yes, you can change that setting by modifying the config file.
go to %appdata%\Notepad++ and open config.xml
You should find the following line in there:
<GUIConfig name="RememberLastSession">yes</GUIConfig>
just change it to no and that should do the trick.