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jQuery - Datepicker not populating for hashmap date fields

I'm attempting to use the jQuery datepicker function to populate date fields that are part of an object set in a hashmap.

We're using STRUTS 1 to map our form data - and for most of our data, this is sufficient.

I've already checked and written these fields out previously so that they can be populated by manually entering the date, now I want to add the jQuery datepicker to allow the user to select a date from a pop-up calendar. I'm using Chrome. Code snippet below.

    $(function() {
        $( ".datePick").datepicker({
          dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
          showOn: "button",
          buttonImage: "images/calendar.png",
          buttonImageOnly: true,
          buttonText: "Select date",
          onSelect: function(dateText,inst)
    pos = id.indexOf("(") + 1;
    counter = id.slice(pos, -1);
                pieces = dateText.split("/");
            $("#"+ id+"MM("+counter+")").val(pieces[0]);
            $("#"+ id+"DD("+counter+")").val(pieces[1]);
            $("#"+id +"YYYY("+counter+")").val(pieces[2]);



        <!-- "counter" is an integer which keeps track of what iteration of the 
        hashmap is being accessed, propertyValue is a string that allows me to 
        dynamically change the property of each form-->
            <td align="right" colspan="1">
                <label for="setOfObjectsStartMMDtH("+counter+")">
            <td align="left" colspan="4">
                <% propertyValue="setOfObjectsStartDtHMM("+counter+")";%>
                <html:text property="<%=propertyValue%>" styleId="<%=propertyValue%>" 
                size="2" maxlength="2"/>&nbsp;/&nbsp;

                <% propertyValue="setOfObjectsStartDtHDD("+counter+")";%>                                           
                <html:text property="<%=propertyValue%>"  styleId="<%=propertyValue%>"  
                size="2" maxlength="2"/>&nbsp;/&nbsp;

                <% propertyValue="setOfObjectsStartDtHYYYY("+counter+")";%>                                       
                <html:text property="<%=propertyValue%>" styleId="<%=propertyValue%>" 
                size="4" maxlength="4"/>

                <% propertyValue="setOfObjectsStartDtH("+counter+")";%>   
                <html:hidden styleId="<%=propertyValue%>" property="<%=propertyValue%>" 

Here is what my getters and setters look like.

private final HashMap setOfObjects = new HashMap();

     * @param startDtH the setOfObjectsStartDtH to set
    public void setSetOfObjectsStartDtH(String key, String startDtH) {
        setOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);

     * @return the startDtH
    public String getSetOfObjectsStartDtH(String key) {
            SetOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);
            return obj.getStartDtH();
        return "";

     * @param startDtHDD the startDtHDD to set
    public void setSetOfObjectsStartDtHDD(String key, String startDtHDD) {
        SetOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);

     * @return the startDtHDD
    public String getSetOfObjectsStartDtHDD(String key) {
            SetOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);
            return obj.getStartDtHDD();
        return "";

     * @param startDtHMM the startDtHMM to set
    public void setSetOfObjectsStartDtHMM(String key, String startDtHMM) {
        SetOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);

     * @return the startDtHMM
    public String getSetOfObjectsStartDtHMM(String key) {
            SetOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);
            return obj.getStartDtHMM();
        return "";

     * @param startDtHYYYY the startDtHYYYY to set
    public void setSetOfObjectsStartDtHYYYY(String key, String startDtHYYYY) {
        SetOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);

     * @return the startDtHYYYY
    public String getSetOfObjectsStartDtHYYYY(String key) {
            SetOfObjects obj = getSetOfObjects(key);
            return obj.getStartDtHYYYY();
        return "";

    private SetOfObjects getSetOfObjects(String key){   
            return (SetOfObjects)setOfObjects.get(key);

        SetOfObjects set = new SetOfObjects();
        setOfObjects.put(key, set);
        return set;

And here's what the SetOfObjects looks like:

public class SetOfObjects{

    private String startDtH = "";
    private String startDtHMM = "";
    private String startDtHDD = "";
    private String startDtHYYYY = "";

     * @param startDtH the startDtH to set
    public void setStartDtH(String startDtH) {
        startDtH = startDtH;

     * @return the startDtH
    public String getStartDtH() {
        return startDtH;

     * @param startDtHMM the startDtHMM to set
    public void setStartDtHMM(String startDtHMM) {
        this.startDtHMM = startDtHMM;

     * @return the startDtHMM
    public String getStartDtHMM() {
        return startDtHMM;

     * @param startDtHDD the startDtHDD to set
    public void setStartDtHDD(String startDtHDD) {
        this.startDtHDD = startDtHDD;

     * @return the startDtHDD
    public String getStartDtHDD() {
        return startDtHDD;

     * @param startDtHYYYY the startDtHYYYY to set
    public void setStartDtHYYYY(String startDtHYYYY) {
        this.startDtHYYYY = startDtHYYYY;

     * @return the startDtHYYYY
    public String getStartDtHYYYY() {
        return startDtHYYYY;


And finally, here's the generated html.

    $(function() {
        $( ".datePick").datepicker({
          dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy',
          showOn: "button",
          buttonImage: "images/calendar.png",
          buttonImageOnly: true,
          buttonText: "Select date",
          onSelect: function(dateText,inst)
    pos = id.indexOf("(") + 1;
    counter = id.slice(pos, -1);
                pieces = dateText.split("/");
            $("#"+ id+"MM("+counter+")").val(pieces[0]);
            $("#"+ id+"DD("+counter+")").val(pieces[1]);
            $("#"+id +"YYYY("+counter+")").val(pieces[2]);



            <td align="right" colspan="1">
                                        <label for="setOfObjectsStartMMDtH("+counter+")"><label class="normal">Set of Objects</label></label>
                        <td align="left" colspan="4">

                <input type="text" name="setOfObjectsStartDtHMM(0)" maxlength="2" size="2" value="" id="setOfObjectsStartDtHMM(0)">&nbsp;/&nbsp;

                <input type="text" name="setOfObjectsStartDtHDD(0)" maxlength="2" size="2" value="" id="setOfObjectsStartDtHDD(0)">&nbsp;/&nbsp;

                <input type="text" name="setOfObjectsStartDtHYYYY(0)" maxlength="4" size="4" value="" id="setOfObjectsStartDtHYYYY(0)">

                <input type="hidden" name="setOfObjectsStartDtH(0)" value="" class="datePick" id="setOfObjectsStartDtH(0)">

((Note: I am aware that the '"+counter+"' is not creating an appropriate label - but fixing this has not fixed the calendar function))

The calendar itself pops up with no problem, but when I select a date, the page jumps to the top, and the date fields are not populated - no error message appears anywhere on the page, and the calendar does not disappear either, as it usually would after selecting a date.

What would cause the calendar to appear for the jQuery datepicker, but not allow me to assign the calendar values?


  • I think the problem is concatenation of the id selectors. You need to escape the parenthesis.

    Try this:

            $("#"+ id+"MM\\("+counter+"\\)").val(pieces[0]);
            $("#"+ id+"DD\\("+counter+"\\)").val(pieces[1]);
            $("#"+id +"YYYY\\("+counter+"\\)").val(pieces[2]);