I have a C# file with something like this:
public const string QueueName = "abc";
and I would like to build the application several times switching this value each time. It is NOT possible to change QueueName
to anything other than a compile-time constant.
Is there any way to pass a 'pre-compiler' variable to this declaration that could be changed in a build configuration or build script?
I have googled it but I can't seem to get any solution.
Since these are constants, you could consider using code generation with a T4 template to generate the constants and the values on build in a separate class file.
The proper constantvalues from this class file can come from an array, database or other external source.
Code would be something like:
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
using(SampleContext context = new SampleContext)
string queuename = context.Queuename.FirstOrDefault();
internal class NotSoConstantConstants
public const string QueueName = "<#= queuename #>";
which can output to:
internal class NotSoConstantConstants
public const string QueueName = "abc";