I have two DataGridViews
in Winforms. DataGrid1 is connected to a table that contains a list of jobs that need to be completed. Once someone completes a job, it's entered into a separate table as completed, which is connected to DataGrid2.
I need to filter the binding source for DataGrid1 so that when a job shows up as completed in DataGrid2 it's filtered out of DataGrid1. The current code I'm using only filters the binding source by the last entry in DataGrid2 and I need it to filter by all of the entries.
How do I filter the BindingSourc
e for DataGrid1 based on all values of the a column of DataGrid2?
foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGrid2.Rows)
DataGrid1BindingSource.Filter =
string.Format("ColumnName <> '{0}'", row.Cells[1].Value);
Here is an example of all jobs in a data table, then the first grid which contains incomplete jobs and the second grid which contains completed jobs. The jobs which should be shown in Incomplete grid, are those jobs which are not in Completed jobs grid:
__________ ____________ ___________
| All Jobs | | Incomplete | | Completed |
|――――――――――| |――――――――――――| |―――――――――――|
| JobTitle | | JobTitle | | JobTitle |
|――――――――――| |――――――――――――| |―――――――――――|
| Job 1 | | Job 1 | | Job 3 |
| Job 2 | | Job 2 | | Job 4 |
| Job 3 | | | | |
| Job 4 | | | | |
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Before reading the answer, you should know if you don't have a bool
field or something to detect which job is completed it's not a good design. You should have a single list of jobs. Then based on a bool
field you should show incomplete jobs in first grid and completed jobs in second grid. Then the filter would be simply Completed = true
and Completed = false
Anyway, you can use IN
in filter expression. It's enough to create a list of values which you want to use in filter, then create the filter this way:
var ids = this.dataGridView2.Rows.Cast<DataGridViewRow>()
.Where(r => !r.IsNewRow)
.Select(r => r.Cells[0].Value.ToString());
bs1.Filter = string.Format("Column1 NOT IN ({0})", string.Join(",", ids));
In the above example I supposed ids are int
so for example "Column1 NOT IN (1,2,3)"
will be the filter. For string ids, the filter would be "Column1 NOT IN ('a','b','c')"
. So you can change the select statement like below:
.Select(r => string.Format("'{0}'",r.Cells[0].Value.ToString()));