This seems to be a pretty popular question here, though I have yet to find a tutorial or thread that works for me. I have a two dropdown menus in a form, Team Type and User Role, where User Role is dependent on Team Type. The options for Team Type are stored in the model as an array, since there are only 5 choices (Artist, Venue, Promoter, Independent, Other). What I would like to do is source the selections for User Role from the model as well, with the proper array selected depending on the Team Type. Is this possible, or do I need to create models for each Team Type and pass an ID to a join table to select the proper User Role? Thank you.
class WaitingList < ActiveRecord::Base
COMPANIES = ['—Select—', 'Artist Team', 'Venue Team', 'Promoter', 'Independent', 'Other']
ARTIST_TEAM = ['-Select-', 'Artist', 'Manager', 'Tour Manager', 'Production Manager', 'Agent', 'Other']
VENUE_TEAM = ['-Select-', 'Artist Liason', 'Stage Manager', 'Production Manager', 'Owner', 'Other']
PROMOTER = ['-Select', 'Talent Buyer', 'Other']
INDEPENDENT = ['-Select', 'Agent', 'Photo/Video', 'Tour Manager', 'Manager', 'Other']
<div class="form--col">
<label>Team Type</label>
<div class="dropdown-wrapper">
<%= f.collection_select :company_type, WaitingList::COMPANIES, :to_s, :to_s, {:include_blank => false}, {:class => "form--dropdown -team_type"} %>
<div class="form--col -inactive">
<label>Main Role</label>
<div class="dropdown-wrapper">
<%= f.collection_select :user_type, WaitingList::USERS, :to_s, :to_s, {:include_blank => false}, {:class => "form--dropdown", :disabled => "disabled"} %>
I think you should do it ajax request by adding javascript onChange
function. Also add a new method to handle this ajax request
<div class="form--col">
<label>Team Type</label>
<div class="dropdown-wrapper">
<%= f.collection_select :company_type, WaitingList::COMPANIES, :to_s, :to_s, {include_blank: false}, {onchange: "getRoles();", class: "form--dropdown -team_type"} %>
<div class="form--col -inactive">
<label>Main Role</label>
<div class="dropdown-wrapper">
<%= f.collection_select :user_type, {}, {prompt: 'Main Role'} {:class => "form--dropdown", :disabled => "disabled"} %>
Javascript file
function getRoles() {
var currentRole = $('#company_type :selected').val();
url: '/waiting_lists/'+ currentRole +'/get_role',
dataType: "json",
success: function(data) {
for (i in roles) {
if (roles[i] != undefined) {
$('#user_type').append("<option value=\""+roles[i]+"\">"+roles[i]+"</option>");
I added a route for waiting_lists controller
def get_role()
if params[:role]
case params[:role]
when 'Artist Team'
roles = WaitingList::ARTIST_TEAM
when 'Venue Team'
roles = WaitingList::VENUE_TEAM
when 'Promoter'
roles = WaitingList::PROMOTER
when 'Independent'
roles = WaitingList::INDEPENDENT
when 'Others'
roles = []
render json: {roles: roles}
Added route for waiting_lists controller
resources(:waiting_lists) do
collection do
get(':role/get_role', action: :get_role)
Hope this is helpful.