My SQLlite database uses the format yyyy-mm-dd for dates. When I get a resulset from my database, I want to store the day of birth I got from my database by using a method from a different class. However, i'm not sure how to store it.
public void setBirthDay(LocalDate birthDay) {
this.birthDay = birthDay;
try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(
"select id, naam, voornaam, birthday, opmerking, debetstand_limiet, actief from klant where id = ?");) {
stmt.setInt(1, id);
try (ResultSet r = stmt.getResultSet()) {
Klant k = new Klant();
if ( {
This is what I'm trying now, but is this even correct? The format is in LocalDate already, so why would i have to change it to LocalDate still? What is correct to do in this scenario?
String theOtherDay = "2011-07-12";
LocalDate today =;
LocalDate tod = LocalDate.parse(theOtherDay);
you can store the LocalDates objects in an arrayList if need be.