Search code examples

google map direction with multiple directions with colors

I need to populate following data on map direction

dataset 1
        [lat, lon],
        [lat, lon],
        [lat, lon],
dataset 2
        [lat, lon],
        [lat, lon],
        [lat, lon],
So On ... 

All data sets should have route with unique color also any data set can exceed 8 waypoints limit. I able to fix 8 way points limit by following online tutorials like and Plotting more than 8 waypoints in Google Maps v3.

But I found no way to get different colored route for each datasets.

This is my code

#map {
       height: 1080px;
       width: 100%;
       border: 1px solid #000;  


<div id="map"></div>
function initMap() {
    map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
      zoom: 14,
      center: {lat: 28.6247, lng: 77.3731},

    var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService;
    var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({suppressInfoWindows: true, suppressMarkers: true 

    var response = {"abcd": {"points":
        [28.5435,77.2051,"2016-07-17 08:02:18 - 28.543500 - 77.205100"],
        [28.5313,77.249,"2016-07-17 12:32:38 - 28.531300 - 77.249000"],
        [28.5279,77.2462,"2016-07-17 12:35:02 - 28.527900 - 77.246200"],
        [28.5328,77.2391,"2016-07-17 12:36:42 - 28.532800 - 77.239100"],
        [28.5407,77.24,"2016-07-17 12:38:23 - 28.540700 - 77.240000"],
        [28.543,77.2139,"2016-07-17 12:42:36 - 28.543000 - 77.213900"],
        [28.5429,77.2095,"2016-07-17 12:43:26 - 28.542900 - 77.209500"],
        [28.5332,77.2071,"2016-07-17 12:48:30 - 28.533200 - 77.207100"],
        [28.531,77.2113,"2016-07-17 12:52:43 - 28.531000 - 77.211300"],
        [28.5315,77.2077,"2016-07-17 13:03:15 - 28.531500 - 77.207700"],
        [28.5433,77.2117,"2016-07-17 13:08:27 - 28.543300 - 77.211700"],
        [28.5412,77.2374,"2016-07-17 13:12:50 - 28.541200 - 77.237400"],
        [28.5311,77.2482,"2016-07-17 17:49:02 - 28.531100 - 77.248200"]
    "ret-abcd": {"points":[
    [28.5294,77.2502,"2016-07-18 07:29:38 - 28.529400 - 77.250200"],
    [28.5541,77.2637,"2016-07-18 07:43:59 - 28.554100 - 77.263700"],
    [28.5635,77.2648,"2016-07-18 07:46:08 - 28.563500 - 77.264800"],
    [28.5721,77.2579,"2016-07-18 07:48:07 - 28.572100 - 77.257900"],
    [28.5746,77.2608,"2016-07-18 07:49:14 - 28.574600 - 77.260800"],
    [28.5787,77.2813,"2016-07-18 07:51:16 - 28.578700 - 77.281300"],
    [28.5731,77.3086,"2016-07-18 07:52:39 - 28.573100 - 77.308600"],
    [28.5902,77.336,"2016-07-18 07:58:00 - 28.590200 - 77.336000"],
    [28.6252,77.3735,"2016-07-18 08:49:47 - 28.625200 - 77.373500"]

var timeout = 100;
var m = 0;
var cnt = 0;
var markers = [];
var combinedResults;
var directionsResultsReturned = 0;
var linecolors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'];

for(key in response) {
    if(response[key].points.length > 0) {
            var blocks = [];
            var k = 0;
            for(var i=0;i<response[key].points.length;i++) {
                if(i != 0 && i % 10 == 0) {
                if(typeof blocks[k] == 'undefined') {
                    blocks[k] = [];

            //var ds = [];
            //var dd = [];
            ds = new google.maps.DirectionsService;
            dd = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({suppressInfoWindows: true, suppressMarkers: true});

            for(i=0;i<blocks.length;i++) {

                /*ds[m] = new google.maps.DirectionsService;
                dd[m] = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({suppressInfoWindows: true, suppressMarkers: true, polylineOptions: {
                  strokeColor: linecolors[i]

                waypts = [];
                markers.push([blocks[i][0][0], blocks[i][0][1], blocks[i][0][2]]);
                for(var j=1;j<blocks[i].length-1;j++) {
                        location: blocks[i][j][0]+','+blocks[i][j][1],
                        stopover: true
                    //var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(blocks[i][j][0],blocks[i][j][1]);

                markers.push([blocks[i][blocks[i].length-1][0], blocks[i][blocks[i].length-1][1], blocks[i][blocks[i].length-1][2]]);

                dd.setOptions({suppressInfoWindows: true, suppressMarkers: true, polylineOptions: {
                  strokeColor: linecolors[cnt%3]
                        'origin': blocks[i][0][0]+','+blocks[i][0][1],
                        'destination': blocks[i][blocks[i].length-1][0]+','+blocks[i][blocks[i].length-1][1],
                        'waypoints': waypts,
                        'travelMode': 'DRIVING'
                    function (directions, status){
                        if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {

                            if (directionsResultsReturned == 0) { // first bunch of results in. new up the combinedResults object
                                combinedResults = directions;
                            else {
                                // only building up legs, overview_path, and bounds in my consolidated object. This is not a complete
                                // directionResults object, but enough to draw a path on the map, which is all I need
                                combinedResults.routes[0].legs = combinedResults.routes[0].legs.concat(directions.routes[0].legs);
                                combinedResults.routes[0].overview_path = combinedResults.routes[0].overview_path.concat(directions.routes[0].overview_path);

                                combinedResults.routes[0].bounds = combinedResults.routes[0].bounds.extend(directions.routes[0].bounds.getNorthEast());
                                combinedResults.routes[0].bounds = combinedResults.routes[0].bounds.extend(directions.routes[0].bounds.getSouthWest());
                            //dd[m].setOptions({suppressInfoWindows: true, suppressMarkers: true, polylineOptions: {

                            if (directionsResultsReturned == blocks.length) { // we've received all the results. put to map 
                            dd[m].setOptions({suppressInfoWindows: true, suppressMarkers: true, polylineOptions: {
                              strokeColor: linecolors[i%3]


    for(h=0;h<markers.length;h++) {
        createMapMarker(map, new google.maps.LatLng(markers[h][0],markers[h][1]), markers[h][2], "", "");

function createMapMarker(map, latlng, label, html, sign) {
    var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: latlng,
        map: map,
        icon: ""+ sign +".png",
        title: label,
        //zIndex: Math.round(*-100000)<<5

    marker.myname = label;

    return marker;


<script async defer

key is dataset id

UPDATE : Updated running code, only google api key need to be replaced


  • You need to create a DirectionsRenderer for each dataset. If the dataset contains more than 8 waypoints you will need to combine the results from the DirectionsService.

    proof of concept fiddle

    screenshot of resulting map

    code snippet:

    function initMap() {
      map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
        zoom: 14,
        center: {
          lat: 28.6247,
          lng: 77.3731
        disableDefaultUI: true,
      var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService;
      var directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({
        suppressInfoWindows: true,
        suppressMarkers: true
      var response = {
        "abcd": {
          "points": [
            [28.5435, 77.2051, "2016-07-17 08:02:18 - 28.543500 - 77.205100"],
            [28.5313, 77.249, "2016-07-17 12:32:38 - 28.531300 - 77.249000"],
            [28.5279, 77.2462, "2016-07-17 12:35:02 - 28.527900 - 77.246200"],
            [28.5328, 77.2391, "2016-07-17 12:36:42 - 28.532800 - 77.239100"],
            [28.5407, 77.24, "2016-07-17 12:38:23 - 28.540700 - 77.240000"],
            [28.543, 77.2139, "2016-07-17 12:42:36 - 28.543000 - 77.213900"],
            [28.5429, 77.2095, "2016-07-17 12:43:26 - 28.542900 - 77.209500"],
            [28.5332, 77.2071, "2016-07-17 12:48:30 - 28.533200 - 77.207100"],
            [28.531, 77.2113, "2016-07-17 12:52:43 - 28.531000 - 77.211300"],
            [28.5315, 77.2077, "2016-07-17 13:03:15 - 28.531500 - 77.207700"],
            [28.5433, 77.2117, "2016-07-17 13:08:27 - 28.543300 - 77.211700"],
            [28.5412, 77.2374, "2016-07-17 13:12:50 - 28.541200 - 77.237400"],
            [28.5311, 77.2482, "2016-07-17 17:49:02 - 28.531100 - 77.248200"]
        "ret-abcd": {
          "points": [
            [28.5294, 77.2502, "2016-07-18 07:29:38 - 28.529400 - 77.250200"],
            [28.5541, 77.2637, "2016-07-18 07:43:59 - 28.554100 - 77.263700"],
            [28.5635, 77.2648, "2016-07-18 07:46:08 - 28.563500 - 77.264800"],
            [28.5721, 77.2579, "2016-07-18 07:48:07 - 28.572100 - 77.257900"],
            [28.5746, 77.2608, "2016-07-18 07:49:14 - 28.574600 - 77.260800"],
            [28.5787, 77.2813, "2016-07-18 07:51:16 - 28.578700 - 77.281300"],
            [28.5731, 77.3086, "2016-07-18 07:52:39 - 28.573100 - 77.308600"],
            [28.5902, 77.336, "2016-07-18 07:58:00 - 28.590200 - 77.336000"],
            [28.6252, 77.3735, "2016-07-18 08:49:47 - 28.625200 - 77.373500"]
      var timeout = 100;
      var m = 0;
      var cnt = 0;
      var markers = [];
      var combinedResults;
      var directionsResultsReturned = 0;
      var linecolors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow'];
      var colorIdx = 0;
      var dd = [];
      for (key in response) {
        if (response[key].points.length > 0) {
          var blocks = [];
          var k = 0;
          for (var i = 0; i < response[key].points.length; i++) {
            if (i != 0 && i % 10 == 0) {
            if (typeof blocks[k] == 'undefined') {
              blocks[k] = [];
          ds = new google.maps.DirectionsService;
          for (i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) {
            waypts = [];
            markers.push([blocks[i][0][0], blocks[i][0][1], blocks[i][0][2]]);
            for (var j = 1; j < blocks[i].length - 1; j++) {
                location: blocks[i][j][0] + ',' + blocks[i][j][1],
                stopover: true
              //var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(blocks[i][j][0],blocks[i][j][1]);
              markers.push([blocks[i][j][0], blocks[i][j][1], blocks[i][j][2]]);
            markers.push([blocks[i][blocks[i].length - 1][0], blocks[i][blocks[i].length - 1][1], blocks[i][blocks[i].length - 1][2]]);
                'origin': blocks[i][0][0] + ',' + blocks[i][0][1],
                'destination': blocks[i][blocks[i].length - 1][0] + ',' + blocks[i][blocks[i].length - 1][1],
                'waypoints': waypts,
                'travelMode': 'DRIVING'
              function(directions, status) {
                dd.push(new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer({
                  suppressInfoWindows: true,
                  suppressMarkers: true,
                  polylineOptions: {
                    strokeColor: linecolors[colorIdx++ % 3]
                  map: map
                if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
                  dd[dd.length - 1].setDirections(directions);
        for (h = 0; h < markers.length; h++) {
          createMapMarker(map, new google.maps.LatLng(markers[h][0], markers[h][1]), markers[h][2], "", "");
    function createMapMarker(map, latlng, label, html, sign) {
      var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
        position: latlng,
        map: map,
        icon: "" + sign + ".png",
        title: label,
      marker.myname = label;
      return marker;
    google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, "load", initMap);
    body {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0px;
      padding: 0px
    #map {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      border: 1px solid #000;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="map"></div>