I have often faced the issue ‘Service unavailable’ in ColdFusion website and need to restart the service manually. Sometimes, also need to restart the host computer.
I checked Event Viewer but I do not find any error related ColdFusion.
I am not familiar with ColdFusion. Kindly help me. I would like to check why it happens and to solve this issue.
ColdFusion Version 8
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard - Windows 7, 64bit
IIS Version 7.5
Thank you.
To find out what is actually crashing your CF server you may find information in the "out" log. Look in the /runtime/logs directory for a file called "coldfusion-out.log" or something similar. This is where standard out goes in a running CF application. There is also a /logs directory in your application that may give additional information.
Finally, you may have a hotspot error - an abend. Look in the /runtime/bin directory for a file similar to hs_err_pidXXX.log" (where XXX is some number). If you do have such an error take a quick look to see if it is an "out of memory" error. That's the most common.
I have a post on where all those log files are located. It is from the CF8/CF9 days so it may be useful to you. Of course everyone will tell you to upgrade as well. :) Good luck!