I recently started working on a 2d platformer in java, and am asking a performance related question.
In my game, I have a world (relatively small for now).
But over half+ of the world isn't visible to the players camera, however I'm still painting the entire world (even the unseen parts).
Here's what I'm doing right now.
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
g.translate(player.camX(), player.camY());
for (GameObject gameObject : solidObjects){
if (gameObject.isTouching(player.getCameraRect()))
for (GameObject gameObject : unSolidObjects){
if (gameObject.isTouching(player.getCameraRect()))
So the question is, would it be faster having an if-statement checking if its on the screen before painting?
Doing a check to see if it's on a screen should take no more than 1 or 2 steps.
Painting everything requires you to draw every single pixel on to the screen regardless of whether it's used or not.