I have a table in which I want to search for "Item" in the whole Array of E1:X100 and return the value next to the match in the "Output" row.
As an example: I want to search for the Item "AC06" (marked yellow) in the whole rest of the sheet - find it in I8 and output the value in the cell next to it (marked green) to the cell C13.
I experimented with an index match without success. One way to solve it would be of course to copy all of the Items and Descriptions under each other and do a Vlookup - this, however, is not the real Solution we need.
You need to nest some INDEX/MATCH function pairs.
=INDEX(H:AC, MATCH(D10, INDEX(H:AC,0,MATCH(E10, H$4:AC$4, 0)), 0),MATCH(E10,H$4:AC$4,0)+1)