I am implementing Munit for a flow which involves Mule Requester. This mule requester would be picking up a file.
So, when i run the java class as Junit, it throws out an exception as, Cannot perform the operation on the FileConnector as it is stopped.
The expression used in mule requester is ,
file ://${path}?connector=FileConnector
I have also defined a global file connector.
Please let me know how to resolve this issue.
Thank you.
All connectors and inbound-endpoints are disabled by default in MUnit. This is to prevent flow accidentally processing/generating real data. (Some explanation here). For the same reason File Connector is also disabled.
To enable connectors, you need to override a method in your MUnitsuite as below -
protected boolean haveToMockMuleConnectors() {
return false;
For XML Munit, see this to enable connectors.
Note: This will enable and start all the connectors that you are using in your mule-configs under test. If you have SMTP connector, DB connector, MQ connector etc, they all be started during test, so use it with caution.