Can MSF4J application serve static content without using the Mustache template engine. I have developed a REST service which will be consumed by an already developed angular web app. Now I need to package the same angular app with the micro service so it will render in the browser and will consume the service via ajax calls.
MSF4J does not directly support serving static content. From your question what I understood is that you want to point the MSF4J server to a directory and serve resources in that directory by their relative path or something similar. In this case what you can do is to write an MSF4J service method with a wildcard path and serve the static content that matches the path of the request.
public class FileServer {
private static final String BASE_PATH = "/your/www/dir";
public Response serveFiles(@Context Request request) {
String uri = request.getUri();
System.out.println("Requested: " + uri);
File file = Paths.get(BASE_PATH, uri).toFile();
if (file.exists()) {
return Response.ok().entity(file).build();
} else {
return Response.status(404).entity("<h1>Not Found</h1>").build();