I'm using my own custom connector implementation and i want to be able to consider other connectors to the same elements in order to calculate the source and target points better.
joint.connectors.custom = function (sourcePoint, targetPoint, vertices) {
// I want to calculate the "middle" point while considering other links that might interrupt
var sourceMiddleX = this.sourceBBox.x + this.sourceBBox.width / 2;
var d = ['M', sourcePoint.x, sourcePoint.y, targetPoint.x, targetPoint.y];
return d.join(' ');
So far i couldn't find anything helpful under the function context nor under the VElement..
Unless anyone has a better idea, i'll pass the total links per element in each model which doesn't feels right.
Thanks in advance!
Connector functions in JointJS are called with a value of this
equal to a joint.dia.LinkView
instance. Each linkView has access to the paper it's rendered in.
var paper = this.paper; // an instance of `joint.dia.Paper`
var graph = this.paper.model; // an instance of `joint.dia.Graph`
var link = this.model; // an instance of `joint.dia.Link`
// an instance of `joint.dia.Element` or `null`
var sourceElement = link.getSourceElement();
var sourceElementLinks = sourceElement
// an array of `joint.dia.Link` including the link
// these are connecting the same source element as the link
? graph.getConnectedLinks(sourceElement, { outbound: true })
// the link is not connected to a source element
: [];
// an instance of `joint.dia.Element` or `null`
var targetElement = link.getTargetElement();
var targetElementLinks = targetElement
// an array of `joint.dia.Link` including the link
// these are connecting the same target element as the link
? graph.getConnectedLinks(targetElement, { inbound: true })
// the link is not connected to a target element
: [];
You can also check the jumpOver
connector, that implements a similar logic.