Being a newbie to DS I needed a SampleGrabber that can handle VIDEOINFOHEADER2, which IMediaDet cannot.
So I took the SampleGrabber from DX8.1 samples which - in contrast to the stock grabber - allows all kind of media. I used the sample code quite as is, and grabbing one single frame everything seems to work fine: the graph is built without returning errorcodes etc. Then calling
hr = pSeeking->SetPositions(
AM_SEEKING_NoPositioning );
with Seek = 2
the callback is called:
HRESULT Callback( IMediaSample * pSample, REFERENCE_TIME * StartTime, REFERENCE_TIME * StopTime, BOOL TypeChanged )
The problem is with the buffer: It has the right size (GetSize () == 691200 = 3 Byte * 640 * 320) but its content is all "205", which cannot be (in which format ever).
Suspicious about it: The parameters of "Callback" are StartTime = 834168, StopTime = 1251251 and TypeChanged = 1.
I tried showing the Graph at GraphEdit but wasn't successful ("application is busy" from GraphEdit).
Where might the problem be?
Found it (at last).
In the callback I copied the delivered buffer, with memcpy, and confused source and destination. Very embarrassing.
Thanks for the help. (Will try to delete this question in a few days after everybody has read, as it's of very limited use).