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MSP430G2553 Timer Intervals

After reading the text about five times and googling I've decided to reach out for help. I'm currently in the process of using Timer_A interrupt to turn on/off two LEDS in intervals of 1 second/10 seconds/1 minute one at a time. The default program will turn on/off the LEDS every second but I cannot find a way to turn them off after 10 seconds and a minute. I can use __delay_cycles(xxxx) to achieve this but apparently doing so would defeat the purpose of the timer. This is my code.

#include <msp430.h>

#define RedLED BIT0
#define GreenLED BIT6

#define RedLEDToggle (P1OUT ^= RedLED)
#define GreenLEDToggle (P1OUT ^= GreenLED)

unsigned int counter = 0;

void main(void)
    //WDTCTL = WDT_MDLY_32;

    P1DIR = RedLED | GreenLED;
    P1OUT = RedLED | GreenLED;

    TACTL = TASSEL_2 | ID_3 | MC_3 | TAIE;

    TACCR0 = 62500;



#pragma vector=TIMER0_A1_VECTOR

__interrupt void Timer_A(void)

if ( counter == 10)
switch (TAIV)
    case 0x02: break;
    case 0x04: break;
    case 0x0A: RedLEDToggle | GreenLEDToggle;
counter ++;


  • To achieve 10 second interrupt interval, you need to apply input divider to the timer. It is not possible to achieve 1 minute without peripheral support (see the other answers on how to implement that with a software counter).

    The problem is that msp430 microcontrollers have 16-bit registers, not capable of holding numerical values larger than 65535. Using low-frequency oscillator running at 32768 Hz (as is typical - you don't provide any details about the hardware clock sources of your system, if they have a different frequency, please mention that) the register overflows once every 2 seconds unless an input divider is applied. The maximum value of input divider on MSP430x2xxx family MCUs is 8, so it's not possible to set a hardware timer more than 8 * 2 = 16 seconds in the future. Refer to MSP430x2xxx family user's guide for further details.

    This code calls the interrupt once 10 seconds:

    #include <msp430.h>
    #define RedLED BIT0
    #define GreenLED BIT6
    #define RedLEDToggle (P1OUT ^= RedLED)
    #define GreenLEDToggle (P1OUT ^= GreenLED)
    // 10 seconds, assuming 32768 Hz ACLK source and divider 8
    #define TIMER_PERIOD (10u * (32768 / 8))
    void main(void)
        P1DIR = RedLED | GreenLED;
        P1OUT = RedLED | GreenLED;
        // reset timer A config (not strictly needed)
        TACTL = TACLR;
        // ACLK as clock source, divider 8, continuous mode, interrupt enabled
        TACTL = TASSEL_1 | ID_3 | MC_2 | TAIE;
        // set the period
        // enable capture/compare interrupts for CCR1
        TACCTL1 = CCIE;
    #pragma vector=TIMER0_A1_VECTOR
    __interrupt void Timer_A(void)
        switch (TAIV) {
        case 0x02:
            // CCR1 interrupt
            // set the time of the next interrupt
            TACCR1 += TIMER_PERIOD;