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Firebase storage - Limit size of image that users upload to firebase storage

I am a new firebase developer. I am developing an android app that lets users upload images to firebase storage. Because I am using Spark mode I only have 5Gb of storage. I want to limit the size of images that users upload to firebase storage. Below is the code that I use to upload an image to firebase storage.

Uri imageUri = Uri.parse(imagePath);
                    //need permistion android.permission.MANAGE_DOCUMENTS to upload file.
                    final StorageReference photoRef = mStorageRef.child(Constants.FIREBASE_LOCATION_IMAGE_EXAM).child(imageUri.getLastPathSegment());
                    photoRef.putFile(imageUri).addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<UploadTask.TaskSnapshot>() {
                        public void onSuccess(UploadTask.TaskSnapshot taskSnapshot) {
                            Log.d(TAG, "upload success");
                            examURLArray.add(new ExamPage(taskSnapshot.getDownloadUrl().toString()));
                            if (mUploadExamTaskCount == 0) {//upload files success.
                                 * update image link to database.
                                DatabaseReference firebaseExamPage = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(Constants.FIREBASE_LOCATION_EXAM_PAGE);
                                Log.d(TAG, "send upload  exam success br");
                                Intent taskCompletedIntent = new Intent(ACTION_UPLOAD_EXAM_COMPLETED);

Do you have any idea how to resolve this problem ?


  • Per the Firebase Storage Security Rules docs, you can write rules that check the size of an uploaded file:

    service {
      match /b/<bucket>/o {
        match /files/{fileName} {
          allow read;
          allow write: if request.resource.size < 10 * 1024 * 1024; // 10MB limit for instance