I'm using ember-i18n
for translations and I'm trying to fetch translations live as described in ember-i18n wiki
Instead of loading translations from backend, I would load them from a static file. I've placed files lang.json
in /public/i18n/
folder and I retrieve them using a service:
export default Ember.Service.extend({
ajax: inject.service(), // ember-ajax service
i18n: inject.service(),
fetch(lang) {
if (isEmpty(lang) || !ENV.APP.languages.contains(lang)) {
lang = "en";
let url = "http://" + window.location.host + "/i18n/" + lang + ".json";
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.get("ajax").request(url, {
type: "GET"
}).then((json) => {
this.get('i18n').addTranslations(lang, json);
}, (params) => {
lang.json file contains just the json:
"key.foo": "Foo",
"key.bar": "Bar"
In dev it works like a charm, but I've some problems running tests. The json retrieved contains the content of the lang.json
file but it's not loaded into the i18n
service (for example if I run test with -s
I see missing translation xxx
Furthermore, test execution get slower and slower and after 10-15 tests it throws timeout errors.
Am I doing something that shouldn't be done or there something I'm missing? Thanks
I'm using:
ember-cli: 2.6.2
ember: ~2.6.0
ember-i18n: ~4.2.1
Just for concept ( for your repo )
1) I open tests/index.html
and modify it next way
<script src="assets/vendor.js"></script>
<!-- Next was added -->
var translations;
$.getJSON('/i18n/en.json').then(function(data){ translations = data; });
2) inside app/mirage/config.js
export default function() {
this.get("/i18n/:lang", function() {
return window.translations;
Git diff for my changes here http://pastebin.com/eGwAXM77